There are many clients cancel the deals because of the high price of handmade painting,
as they calculate the prices according to printed oil painting. It just
the big waste of service and source of clients. Here we would like to
show you how to distinguish the handmade oil painting and printed
painting is so-called emulation picture, after taking photography of
real hand painted painting, print out the picture on the selected
materials through emulation system printer or air brushing machine,
usually the materials are, flax, fiber and waterproof canvas. The
definition decided by the pixels of output picture, that means if the print photo on canvas with less pixels, it will directly affects the quality of painting.
The handmade oil canvas
is designed and completed according to the integrate impression by the
painter. The painter pile up the paints over and over again during the
processing, every corner is drew line by line, the texture needs to be
presented in some parts, the painter will make the texture impression
with strong vision. This is the point that printed painting will never
Canvas prints
is suitable for shortage decoration, cheaper. But the disadvantage is
without vision impact, no art value of appreciation, out of real.
Handmade oil painting makes feel different, it’s a kind of extraordinary canvas artwork, new concept on the tact, and it is one certain appreciation of real artwork.
Here are showcaces from Yonicoo: